Phil Hendrie distinguished his long career by the creation of a satirical talk radio program featuring fictional characters, each one of them created and voiced by Phil, himself, during the live program. Phil would act as a calm, level-headed moderator while he also voiced the roles of fictional characters taking absurd positions on any number of current topics and/or supposed situations. Listeners tuning into the program were left to decide for themselves whether the conversations were real or not. Those not informed of the parody situations created by Phil Hendrie were often provoked to call into the program to debate the supposed premises, making the hilarity of the conversation all the livelier. For those listeners that became informed, it was not a program you could afford to miss each evening.    

The satirical version of The Phil Hendrie Show debuted on KVEN-AM / Ventura, CA before moving to KFI-AM / Los Angeles and was soon syndicated on more than 100+ radio stations for years. Phil’s previous talk show work on WIOD-AM in Miami, WCCO-AM in Minneapolis and WSB-AM/FM in Atlanta prepared him for the humor filled shows. For 15 years before his talk radio career, Phil Hendrie was a disc jockey on rock radio stations.  

The Phil Hendrie Show gained notoriety for Phil’s brilliant character work and character voices. It became the focus of a 2024 documentary, Hendrie, produced by and including motion picture and television actors and producers who took note of Phil Hendrie’s talents.  

In 2024, Phil Hendrie was Inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame.